Spring 2009 |
Mr. Tyler Johnson, Sitterson Hall 372
TA Office Hours Nick Dragan - T,Th 2-3pm, Sitterson Hall 043 Georgi Tsankov - Tues 4-6pm, Sitterson Hall 043 |
M W F 11:00 AM-12:15 PM | tmjohns(at)cs.unc.edu , 919-843-7425 |
Sitterson Hall 014 | http://cs.unc.edu/~tmjohns/teaching/COMP110 | |
Office Hours, Sitterson Hall 372 Mon 2-3pm, Th 10-11am, or by appointment |
This course is an introduction to computer programming. Students will learn the basics of computer programming and
algorithm design using the Java programming language. By the end of the course students should understand basic
programming constructs and be able to apply these concepts to other programming languages. Emphasis will be placed on
problem solving through object-oriented design.
Methods of Instruction
Students will attend semi-weekly lectures (Mon and Wed, 11:00 AM-12:15 PM, in SN 014) and attend recitations (Fri 11:00 AM-12:15 PM, in SN 014). There will be reading assignments and weekly computer programming assignments, some building on previous assignments. There will be written mid-term and final exams.
The criteria for the grading of programming assignments are:
Late Assignments
Assignments may be turned in up to two days late at a penalty of 25% of total credit for each late day.
Collaboration Policy
In this course, you will be expected to work on all assigned coursework by yourself, unless otherwise specified.
The UNC Blackboard System will be used in this course to post announcements and assignment information. Student assignments will also be submitted using the Blackboard system.
There will be an in-class written mid-term exam, and a written final exam during the (University) scheduled time slot. All of the material from the lectures, reading, and programming assignments are fair game for exams.
• 60% - Assignments
• 15% - Midterm
• 20% - Final
• 5% - Class Participation
Reading assignments cover the topic discussed in that day’s lecture. Read assignments before coming to class and be prepared to ask questions. Some assigned readings will not be covered in class unless questions are asked. You are responsible for all material in the assigned readings.
Self-Test Questions
These questions at the end of reading sections are a great way to study for exams and review reading material. Some questions will be covered in class.
We will use the UNC Blackboard System for this course. If you are enrolled, you can log into the system and access the course link for Comp110.001 (it will show up under "My Courses" if you are registered). The course information, course documents, as well as assignments will be available on the Blackboard course website.
Is COMP 110 For You?
Time Commitment
During the course of COMP 110, you will write several full Java programs.
This can be a time-consuming process. Expect to spend 10-12 hours on each
programming assignment (depending, of course, on the specific assignment).
If you do not have this kind of time available to work on COMP 110, you
may want to wait and take it in a later semester.
Textbook (required)
Java: An Introduction to Problem Solving & Programming, Fifth Edition Walter Savitch and Frank M. Carrano ISBN: 0-13-613088-7 |
Registering for COMP 110
If the course is full and you want to take this class, please use the
"waitlist" registration option (see the Registrar's Registration web page)
and come to class on the first day.